Braiding circles as a healing practice

By Danié Gómez-Ortigoza

October 20, 2021

Often I’m asked about the braiding circles.  It’s not easy to explain, because this ritual means so many things at the same time. It’s a healing practice that brings to light the invisible thread that braids us together, and that we often can’t see because life blinds us and tries to convince us that everything outside of our bodies is not us.

But when you are part of one of these circles, at least for a second, a visible thread coming from your soul, which is manifested in your hair joins someone else’s soul, and you get a feeling that things could be different. That perhaps we can one day understand each other as one; you stand in communion with your ancestors, and their ancestors, and everyone’s present selves and there’s hope.

And we desperately need this as a society. I’ve never seen people label themselves so much, and those labels are creating distance instead of connection.

And there’s no time to loose.

So yes; braiding circles are special. It’s a ceremony that has been calling me in various ways.

I’m following the thread.

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