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To a God.dess Unknown by Danié Gómez Ortigoza

By Danié Gómez-Ortigoza

June 28, 2021

To a God.dess Unknown

by Danié Gómez Ortigoza

A live-streamed performance and activation of Mette Tommerup’s exhibition, Made by Dusk, at Locust Projects

Thursday, January 28, 2021, 7-8pm

Watch: @locustprojects Instagram Live

To a God.dess Unknown is a live-streamed performance and activation by Danié Gómez Ortigoza that explores the process by which divinity unfolds itself from the universal to the individual. The performance is an activation of Tommerup’s exhibition, an otherworldly space dedicated to Freya, the Nordic Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr, the ancient shamanic practice of altering the course of fate by symbolically weaving new events into being.

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