It starts now: Women’s Day
Every time a red traffic light changes to green, and cars take their time to advance, I think back on Swedish traffic lights, where yellow comes both before and after the red light making traffic advance quicker. I’ve always wondered why it’s not like that everywhere around the world. It’s genius, isn’t it? So much […]
The word-picker || La recogedora de palabras
So I pick words from the wind, and I place them in paper. Recojo palabras, las tomo de la mano y las plasmo en papel, lentamente las trenzo, para que sean escuchadas, palabras de aliento, de sustento, palabras escondidas, en el silencio I
Braiding words || Trenzando palabras
And when everything else fails, let’s distract our minds in learning so we don’t get lost in yearning… …y cuando lo demás falla, a distraerse en conocimiento, para no perdernos en sentimientos. I braid words in this apothecary full of hope, and yet with the realistic outlook of experience. I’m full of hope, because we […]
Glossary of words that build worlds: Mercury Retrograde
When you look at a braid from an horizontal perspective, you’ll realize it consists of mountains and valleys. But then again, it’s just a matter of perspective: turn the braid around and you’ll see the valleys transform into mountains. Those valleys are the equivalent of those moments in which, going through adversity, or simply questioning […]
Día de muertos 2020
Our time in this physical body is limited, and that truly unites us. Death is the one condition attached to every form of life. When we do Day of the Dead altars, we call upon our ancestors. They come from the region where Death is from. They come here for a day, to the land […]
Made in Miami: Agustina Woodgate
It takes a lifetime to loose respect to matter, meaning material things that were created with a specific purpose. It starts when people tell you what things are for. They mean well, but often they don’t leave room for improvisation. In Latin America, need often gives way to creativity.