On choosing to live a creative life

I want to lead a creative life, she said. I want to be surrounded by beauty. I want to challenge my notions of how things are and replace them with the questioning of what things could be. It has taken me a long time to get here. To listen to that voice I know has […]
The word-picker || La recogedora de palabras

So I pick words from the wind, and I place them in paper. Recojo palabras, las tomo de la mano y las plasmo en papel, lentamente las trenzo, para que sean escuchadas, palabras de aliento, de sustento, palabras escondidas, en el silencio I
Braiding words || Trenzando palabras

And when everything else fails, let’s distract our minds in learning so we don’t get lost in yearning… …y cuando lo demás falla, a distraerse en conocimiento, para no perdernos en sentimientos. I braid words in this apothecary full of hope, and yet with the realistic outlook of experience. I’m full of hope, because we […]
Sand castles and words

Today is the last day of the first month of a new year. It feels different to other years. The structure of what’s to come has been set. The changes in politics and the GameStop catastrophe have been reminders that the news, the economy and even the way society operates is just a castle made […]
Requiem for the lines we crossed

Once upon a time there was a line, one of those that should not be crossed. Straight and confident. Vertical. Parallel to humanity. Dividing the good from the bad. On one side, threats against curiosity. Warnings not to cross it. On the other, uncertainty. Darkness Nobody really knows what there is. When in doubt, most prefer to look away into the distance, from […]